
We are investment experts and design individual investment concepts for our customers. We advise you on choosing the right bank account, setup a flexible investment strategy with investment funds and create a tax-optimized retirement savings solution.


As an independent insurance broker, we work in the interests of our customers. We analyze all existing contracts and, if necessary, optimize the current insurance situation. Because of our financial concepts you will never pay too much for your insurance and are still well protected.


We live in a consumer society and make often fundamental financial mistakes. We will help our customers to manage their money better, to avoid unnecessary expenses and to build up an investmentportfolio with the goal to become financial independent in the future.


We compare more than 280 commercial insurance policies to find a comprehensive insurance for your business. We advise you on simple business liability insurance, on directors & officer insurance and vehicle fleets up to the protection of special risks.


We will find the right bank partner for you with the best offer for your real estate financing. We compare up to 230 different banks independently for our customers with the goal to optimizing your interest expense and ensuring flexible loan repayment terms.

Real Estate

Real Estate offers opportunities, but also many risks. However, to make a house / apartment purchase profitable for you, various factors are crucial. We are happy to help you independently in the decision-making and also show you attractive and konservative alternative investments.

Ihr unabhängiger Investmentberater und Versicherungsmakler aus Berlin

Our mission

Our mission is to provide each person with independent and honest advice. The ultimate goal is to fulfill the dreams and wishes of our customers.

Independence, Vision and Trust. These qualities have been the pillars on which our business success rests for more than ten years. A bonsai tree stands as a symbol of living nature. The attitude of such a tree is associated with effort and regular care. So that your assets continue to grow and your financial concept is always optimally tailored to you, we see our service above all in continuous support, where we regularly monitor your portfolios and, if necessary, optimize them or change insurance companies as needed.

For us it is very important that you are actively involved in the process of financial conception and asset structuring and deal with the issues. Together, we create a tailor-made financial concept and realize your goals and dreams together.


Your way to financial independence.

First MeetingConcept CreationPresentation and AdaptationImplementationService

        First Meeting


The first meeting serves to get to know each other. Above all, it is very important for us to find out from you where you currently stand financially and where you would like to go in the next few years. We talk with you intensively about your current situation and at the same time about your dreams, wishes and goals.


  • Analysis of your finances, income situation and opportunities for optimization
  • Individual financial check of your current situation
  • Target planning and financial coaching

        Concept Creation


After we have defined your goals and wishes, we will create a personal financial concept for you. We provide this in advance by email or by post, so that you can deal with the individual topics. In addition to suggestions for the individual products or strategic approaches, the concept also contains further information, performance overviews, the conditions of the respective product providers and comprehensible articles.


  • Development of an individual financial concept
  • Definition of a suitable investment strategy
  • Create awareness, vision and mission

        Presentation and Adaptation


For the concept presentation a personal discussion in our office in Berlin Mitte is recommended. Of course, we also serve international customers. Here we make a call or a video conference. Of course, we also like to visit you at home or in your company. In a personal exchange, we will answer all your questions and explain the background to our recommendations. Together, we then tailor the financial concept to your individual situation and send you suggestions for changes if necessary.


  • Presentation of the individual financial concept
  • Asset accumulation, asset protection, retirement provision
  • Adaptation of the personal insurance concept

      Implementation of the financial concept


After we have perfectly matched your financial concept to your situation, we start implementing it. Bear in mind that our financial concepts and investment strategies are always a process. As a rule, this process takes 2-3 years from the first product to the complete financial concept. In some cases it is faster. In other cases, it takes longer. No matter how long the implementation takes. We are at your side from the first step to your financial independence and beyond.


  • Implementation of the financial concept
  • Objective and coordination of the next phases

      Service and long-term investment management


Of course, we serve our customers on a long-term basis and are constantly in contact with our customers. We regularly inform you about news from the world of finance (such as changes in legislation), give you tips how to save taxes and inform you in good time about meaningful changes in custody accounts or about interesting investments.


  • Control and dynamic reorganization of your financial concept
  • Regular adjustment of the investment strategy according to the target agreement and the current market situation

Customer reviews

Take a look at what our customers say about us in order to get a better impression of our service.

More than 1.000 customers already trust us


and our philosophy




We compare 370 fund companies, 770 banks and over 34,000 different insurance rates for you and then select the products that suit your goals, your wishes and your life situation. In our recommendations, we pay attention u.a. also on the product quality, economic performance, the return on capital, cost structure or customer satisfaction at the respective provider.

Our promise of quality: We have no „0815 consultation“ and no „sale from the drawer“. We design all investment and financial concepts individually, independently and tailored to your life situation. This includes an analysis of your current life situation and your risk type (see, for example, risk classes for old-age provision), but also of your future plans.

We offer more than 15 years of consulting experience in finance and insurance. We therefore know the stumbling blocks, questionable offers on the market and recommend only first-class products, the best conditions and we only work wwith banks, funds and insurance with a certain size, high quality of service and sufficient financial strength.




As a financial broker we receive from the companies discounts on the tariffs offered on the market and / or better conditions than if you go directly to the bank or the insurer. These discounts and performance upgrades we give 100 percent to our customers, so you will never pay to much and still be well secured.

We are happy to advise you where you feel comfortable. This can be at your home in Berlin or Brandenburg, in your company or via Skype comfortably from the couch. You decide. In case of damage, we support you with questions. We guarantee constant availability for you via a professional back office.

The advice is free for our customers. We receive directly from the companies a brokerage, which are incorporated almost in all products (funds, insurance, financing). You decide for yourself whether to award these brokerage fees to a product-based agent, an online platform without consulting or an independent broker like us.

Your Insurance Broker & Investment Specialist


from Berlin and Brandenburg

We think differently. We advise differently.

Start your journey with us today.

As an independent financial services company with many years of experience in consulting, we know what’s important. We listen carefully and create for you an individual and suitable financial concept from the areas of asset accumulation, retirement planning, hedging and real estate financing.

Analysis, planning, consulting and long-term support are the central instruments of our service. We are completely independent and at the same time always well informed by our partner network.

They are at the forefront of all decisions. Every human being is different. As well as his goals, wishes and initial situation. Investment styles are diverse, investment opportunities as well. Some insurance companies are superfluous while others are mandatory. The supply of funds and insurance is overwhelming. We know the market and guide you as a long-term companion and coach to your very own investment strategy and hedging concept. Our ability is to bring together what fits together. Do not hesitate any longer and ask for an independent second opinion.

The basis of this partnership is trust and sympathy. But we have to get to know each other first. On these pages you get a first impression of who we are and what we do. And if that pleases you, then we would be glad, if we deepen the getting acquainted in a personal conversation.

We look forward to your inquiry.

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, Inhaber: Daniel Bossenz (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.